- https://www.shopify.com/in/partners/blog/checkout-ui-extensions
- https://community.shopify.com/c/extensions/issue-calling-shopify-app-api-from-checkout-ui-extension/td-p/2267439
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNdvxLzWUQg
- https://community.shopify.com/c/extensions/ui-checkout-send-options-extensions-request-to-server-network/m-p/2226100
- https://community.shopify.com/c/extensions/how-do-i-fetch-product-details-from-a-checkout-ui-extension/td-p/1671855
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDLoz__VKVk
- https://community.shopify.com/c/extensions/cors-issue-with-checkout-ui-extension-fetch-api-app-proxy/m-p/2025206
Shopify, Shopify Apps, Magento, WordPress, Codeigniter, Joomla, Big Commerce | PHP
Monday, 18 December 2023
How to create Shopify Checkout extensions good articles
Thursday, 26 October 2023
Shopify - Add dynamic links on description
{% assign productdescription = product.description %}
{% assign productdesclinks = "maxi dress~https://examples.com/collections/maxi-dresses,midi dress~https://examples.com/collections/midi-length-dresses,midi~https://examples.com/collections/midi-length-dresses,pockets~https://examples.com/collections/dresses-with-pockets,kasey rainbow~https://examples.com/collections/kasey-rainbow,maggi~https://examples.com/collections/maggi-mcdonald-x-proud-poppy ,Maggi McDonald~https://examples.com/collections/maggi-mcdonald-x-proud-poppy,spring~https://examples.com/collections/spring-dresses-collection ,floral~https://examples.com/collections/floral-dresses" %}
{% assign productdesclinks = productdesclinks | split: ',' %}
{% for productdesclink in productdesclinks %}
{% assign productdesclk = productdesclink | split: '~' %}
{% assign productdesclkcomp = productdesclk[0] %}
{% assign productdesclkurl = productdesclk[1] %}
{% assign productdesclklink = '<a href="' | append: productdesclkurl | append: '">' | append: productdesclkcomp | append:"</a>" %}
{% assign productdescription = productdescription | replace:productdesclkcomp, productdesclklink %}
{% endfor %}
{{ productdescription }}
Thursday, 28 September 2023
When Scroll to footer Sticky bar hide
var isScrolledIntoView = function(elem) {
var $elem = jQuery(elem);
var $window = jQuery(window);
var docViewTop = $window.scrollTop();
var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $window.height();
var elemTop = $elem.offset().top;
var elemBottom = elemTop + $elem.height();
return ((elemBottom <= docViewBottom) && (elemTop >= docViewTop));
function hidestickybarwhenfootershow(){
jQuery(document).scroll(function() {
if(jQuery('#great_sticky_bar').length > 0){
if(jQuery('#great_sticky_bar').length > 0){
var checkjqueryinterval = setInterval(checkjquery, 500);
function checkjquery(){
if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
} else {
Thursday, 20 July 2023
How to get Parameter in Shopify liquid
{% assign month = '01' %}
{% assign day = '01' %}
{%- assign page_url = content_for_header | split:'"pageurl":"' | last | split:'"' | first | split: request.host | last | replace:'\/','/' | replace:'%20',' ' | replace:'\u0026','&' -%}
{%- assign param = blank -%}
{%- for i in (1..1) -%}
{%- unless page_url contains "?" -%}{% break %}{%- endunless -%}
{%- assign query_string = page_url | split:'?' | last -%}
{%- assign qry_parts= query_string | split:'&' -%}
{%- for part in qry_parts -%}
{%- assign key_and_value = part | split:'=' -%}
{%- if key_and_value.size > 1 -%}
{%- if key_and_value[0] == 'birth_month' -%}
{%- assign month = key_and_value[1] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if key_and_value[0] == 'birth_day' -%}
{%- assign day = key_and_value[1] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<form method="GET" action="/pages/find-your-zodiac-sign">
<label for="birth_month">Birth Month:</label>
<input type="number" value="{{ month }}" id="birth_month" name="birth_month" min="1" max="12" required>
<label for="birth_day">Birth Day:</label>
<input type="number" value="{{ day }}" id="birth_day" name="birth_day" min="1" max="31" required>
{%- assign min = 1 -%}
{%- assign max = 10000 -%}
{%- assign diff = max | minus: min -%}
{%- assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: diff | plus: min -%}
<input type="hidden" value="{{ random_number }}" name="type">
<button type="submit">Find Zodiac Sign</button>
{% assign month = month | times: 1 %}
{% assign day = day | times: 1 %}
{{month }}
{{day }}
Friday, 13 January 2023
if 50 qty = 100 rs so 200 qty = ? Math calculation for Javascript code
Ex 1. if 50 qty = 100 rs so 200 qty = ?
200/50 * 100 = 400
Ex 2. if 36 qty = 34.02 so 144 qty = ?
144/36 * 34.02 = 136.08
Friday, 26 March 2021
How to add css and html in iFrame using JavaScript
var container = document.querySelector('iframe#gorgias-chat-container');
var chatButtonHead = container?.querySelector('#chat-button')?.contentWindow.document.querySelector('head');
var chatButton = container?.querySelector('#chat-button')?.contentWindow.document.querySelector('body');
chatButton = chatButton?.querySelector('button');
if (chatButton?.children.length){
var chatbuttonStyle = document.createElement('div');
chatbuttonStyle.style.textAlign = "center";
chatbuttonStyle.style.fontWeight = "500";
chatbuttonStyle.textContent = 'Chat';
Example 2
var gorgiasChatbutton = window.setInterval(function() {
var container = document.querySelector('#gorgias-chat-container');
var chatButtonHead = container?.querySelector('#chat-button')?.contentWindow.document.querySelector('head');
var chatButton = container?.querySelector('#chat-button')?.contentWindow.document.querySelector('body');
var chatButton = container?.querySelector('#chat-button')?.contentWindow.document.querySelector('body');
chatButton = chatButton?.querySelector('button');
chatButton = chatButton?.querySelector('.messenger-button-iframe-uscp54');
chatButton = chatButton?.querySelector('.messenger-button-iframe-clht14');
if (chatButton?.children.length){
var buttonStyle = document.createElement('style');
buttonStyle.textContent = '.chattext{color: #0e2fb5;text-align: center;font-weight: 500;position: absolute;bottom: 6px;left: 2px;font-size: 12px;background: #FFF;border-radius: 100%;}'; // the custom CSS for the chat button
var chatbuttonStyle = document.createElement('div');
chatbuttonStyle.textContent = 'Chat';
}, 100);
Saturday, 31 October 2020
How to create simple dynamic section with block in Shopify liquid in theme
add {% section 'contactpagefaq' %} on your template file
Create new section file called : contactpagefaq.liquid, and paste following code.
{% if section.settings.faqenable %}<h2>{{ section.settings.faqtitle }}</h2>{% for block in section.blocks %}<button class="accordion">{{ block.settings.sectiontitle }}</button><div class="panel"><p>{{ block.settings.sectiontext }}</p></div>{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% schema %}{"name": "Contact Page FAQ","max_blocks": 5,"settings": [{"id": "faqenable","type": "checkbox","label": "Enable","default": true},{"id": "faqtitle","type": "text","label": "Heading","default": "FAQ"}],"blocks": [{"type": "select","name": "Block","settings": [{"id": "sectiontitle","type": "text","label": "Title"},{"id": "sectiontext","type": "textarea","label": "Text"}]}]}{% endschema %}{% stylesheet %}{% endstylesheet %}{% javascript %}{% endjavascript %}