{% for item in cart.items %}{% if item.fulfillment_service == 'manual' %}{% if item.product.tags contains 'DGA' %}{% unless groupnames contains 'partner1' %}{% assign groupcount = groupcount | plus:1 %}{% assign groupnames = groupnames | append: 'partner1' | append: ',' %}{% endunless %}{% else %}{% unless groupnames contains 'bevilles' %}{% assign groupcount = groupcount | plus:1 %}{% assign groupnames = groupnames | append: 'bevilles' | append: ',' %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% unless groupnames contains item.fulfillment_service %}{% assign groupcount = groupcount | plus:1 %}{% assign groupnames = groupnames | append: item.fulfillment_service | append: ',' %}{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% assign groupnames = groupnames | split:',' %}{% for groupname in groupnames %}<h3 style="color: #d1619c;">DELIVERY {{ forloop.index }} OF {{ groupcount }}</h3><div style="color: #ccc;">{% if groupname == 'bevilles' %}Delivered by Bevilles{% else %}Delivered separately by our partner{% endif %}</div>{% for item in cart.items %}{% assign group = '' %}{% if item.fulfillment_service == 'manual' %}{% if item.product.tags contains 'DGA' %}{% assign group = 'partner1' %}{% else %}{% assign group = 'bevilles' %}{% endif %}{% else %}{% assign group = item.fulfillment_service %}{% endif %}{% if group == groupname %}// Items showing here{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}
Shopify, Shopify Apps, Magento, WordPress, Codeigniter, Joomla, Big Commerce | PHP
Friday, 29 December 2023
How to Show Items in group on cart page in Shopify
Monday, 18 December 2023
How to create Shopify Checkout extensions good articles
- https://www.shopify.com/in/partners/blog/checkout-ui-extensions
- https://community.shopify.com/c/extensions/issue-calling-shopify-app-api-from-checkout-ui-extension/td-p/2267439
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNdvxLzWUQg
- https://community.shopify.com/c/extensions/ui-checkout-send-options-extensions-request-to-server-network/m-p/2226100
- https://community.shopify.com/c/extensions/how-do-i-fetch-product-details-from-a-checkout-ui-extension/td-p/1671855
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDLoz__VKVk
- https://community.shopify.com/c/extensions/cors-issue-with-checkout-ui-extension-fetch-api-app-proxy/m-p/2025206
Thursday, 26 October 2023
Shopify - Add dynamic links on description
{% assign productdescription = product.description %}
{% assign productdesclinks = "maxi dress~https://examples.com/collections/maxi-dresses,midi dress~https://examples.com/collections/midi-length-dresses,midi~https://examples.com/collections/midi-length-dresses,pockets~https://examples.com/collections/dresses-with-pockets,kasey rainbow~https://examples.com/collections/kasey-rainbow,maggi~https://examples.com/collections/maggi-mcdonald-x-proud-poppy ,Maggi McDonald~https://examples.com/collections/maggi-mcdonald-x-proud-poppy,spring~https://examples.com/collections/spring-dresses-collection ,floral~https://examples.com/collections/floral-dresses" %}
{% assign productdesclinks = productdesclinks | split: ',' %}
{% for productdesclink in productdesclinks %}
{% assign productdesclk = productdesclink | split: '~' %}
{% assign productdesclkcomp = productdesclk[0] %}
{% assign productdesclkurl = productdesclk[1] %}
{% assign productdesclklink = '<a href="' | append: productdesclkurl | append: '">' | append: productdesclkcomp | append:"</a>" %}
{% assign productdescription = productdescription | replace:productdesclkcomp, productdesclklink %}
{% endfor %}
{{ productdescription }}
Thursday, 20 July 2023
How to get Parameter in Shopify liquid
{% assign month = '01' %}
{% assign day = '01' %}
{%- assign page_url = content_for_header | split:'"pageurl":"' | last | split:'"' | first | split: request.host | last | replace:'\/','/' | replace:'%20',' ' | replace:'\u0026','&' -%}
{%- assign param = blank -%}
{%- for i in (1..1) -%}
{%- unless page_url contains "?" -%}{% break %}{%- endunless -%}
{%- assign query_string = page_url | split:'?' | last -%}
{%- assign qry_parts= query_string | split:'&' -%}
{%- for part in qry_parts -%}
{%- assign key_and_value = part | split:'=' -%}
{%- if key_and_value.size > 1 -%}
{%- if key_and_value[0] == 'birth_month' -%}
{%- assign month = key_and_value[1] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if key_and_value[0] == 'birth_day' -%}
{%- assign day = key_and_value[1] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
<form method="GET" action="/pages/find-your-zodiac-sign">
<label for="birth_month">Birth Month:</label>
<input type="number" value="{{ month }}" id="birth_month" name="birth_month" min="1" max="12" required>
<label for="birth_day">Birth Day:</label>
<input type="number" value="{{ day }}" id="birth_day" name="birth_day" min="1" max="31" required>
{%- assign min = 1 -%}
{%- assign max = 10000 -%}
{%- assign diff = max | minus: min -%}
{%- assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: diff | plus: min -%}
<input type="hidden" value="{{ random_number }}" name="type">
<button type="submit">Find Zodiac Sign</button>
{% assign month = month | times: 1 %}
{% assign day = day | times: 1 %}
{{month }}
{{day }}
Saturday, 31 October 2020
How to create simple dynamic section with block in Shopify liquid in theme
add {% section 'contactpagefaq' %} on your template file
Create new section file called : contactpagefaq.liquid, and paste following code.
{% if section.settings.faqenable %}<h2>{{ section.settings.faqtitle }}</h2>{% for block in section.blocks %}<button class="accordion">{{ block.settings.sectiontitle }}</button><div class="panel"><p>{{ block.settings.sectiontext }}</p></div>{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% schema %}{"name": "Contact Page FAQ","max_blocks": 5,"settings": [{"id": "faqenable","type": "checkbox","label": "Enable","default": true},{"id": "faqtitle","type": "text","label": "Heading","default": "FAQ"}],"blocks": [{"type": "select","name": "Block","settings": [{"id": "sectiontitle","type": "text","label": "Title"},{"id": "sectiontext","type": "textarea","label": "Text"}]}]}{% endschema %}{% stylesheet %}{% endstylesheet %}{% javascript %}{% endjavascript %}
Tuesday, 28 January 2020
Color swaches using metafiled in shopify
{%- if product.metafields.coloroptions != blank -%}
{%- for field in product.metafields.coloroptions -%}
<div data-value="{{ field | first | escape }}" class="swatch-element color {{ field | first | escape }} available">
<div class="tooltip">{{ field | first | escape }}</div>
<a href="/products/{{ field | last }}">
{% assign phandle = field | last %}
{% assign additionaproduct = all_products[phandle] %}
{% assign getimage = 0 %}
{% assign additionalcolorimg = '' %}
{% assign multiimgs = additionaproduct.images | reverse %}
{% for image in multiimgs %}
{% if getimage == 0 %}
{% assign additionalcolorimg = image.src | img_url: 'small' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<label for="section-product-template-swatch-0-{{ field | first | handle }}" style="background-color: {{ field | first | handle }}; background-image: url({{ additionalcolorimg }})"></label>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}
Saturday, 23 November 2019
How to add/update multiple products in cart in shopify
jQuery(function () {
jQuery('body').find(".couponproduct .gf_add-to-cart").click(function (e) {
values = {}
values[30370850865245] = 0;
values[31289364840541] = 1;
type: 'POST',
url: '/cart/update.js',
data: { updates: values},
dataType: 'json',
success: function() {
location.href = '/checkout';
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
How to create pagination in shopify rest api using php
Shopify new API next page issue | page_info => invalid value
Shopify API version 2019-07 you do indeed need to use cursor-based pagination.
First make a normal API call, include the header response.
Then in the header response API, you will see the "link" parameter with rel next or previous.
Extract the page_info and then make another call with page_info.
The first API call is something like this:
To get header response from API response :
function getheaderarray($apiresponse){
$data = explode("\n",$apiresponse);
$headers['status'] = $data[0];
foreach($data as $part){
$middle = explode(":",$part,2);
if ( !isset($middle[1]) ) { $middle[1] = null; }
$headers[trim($middle[0])] = trim($middle[1]);
return $headers;
Then the second API call is something like this:
When you make the second call, do not add any filers as the filters will be applied from the first call.
FYI: if your testing in a browser due to the way the link is in angle brackets, it will be hidden, so just view source code in your developer environment.
Saturday, 29 June 2019
How to change startSymbol endSymbol of Angular JS
var fetch = angular.module('myapp', []).config(function ($interpolateProvider) {
Monday, 24 June 2019
How to concat string and variable in Liquid Shopify in PHP with proxy URL
<script type="text/javascript">
{% if customer %}
{% assign customerid = '"<?php echo base_url('checkout?id='.$postdata['cart_id']); ?>' | append: '&customer=' | append: customer.id | append: '"' %}
{% else %}
{% assign customerid = '"<?php echo base_url('checkout?id='.$postdata['cart_id']); ?>' | append: '"' %}
{% endif %}
var checkouturl = {{customerid}};
Friday, 28 April 2017
Pagination on shopify collection page with linklist
<h1 class="desktop-6 desktop-push-3 tablet-3 mobile-3">
{% if collection.handle == 'all' %}{{ 'collections.general.all_products' | t }}
{% elsif collection.handle == 'e-juice' %}
{% elsif collection.handle == 'a-d' %}
{% elsif collection.handle == 'e-i' %}
{% elsif collection.handle == 'j-m' %}
{% elsif collection.handle == 'n-z' %}
{% else %}
{{ collection.title }}
{% endif %}
<div class="clear"></div>
{% if linklists[collection.handle].links.size > 0 %}
<div class="collsn_img_link">
{% if collection.image %}
<img src="{{ collection | img_url: 'master' }}" alt="{{ collection.title | escape }}" />
{% endif %}
<div class="rte">
{{ collection.description | remove: "[banner]" }}
{% endif %}
{% if linklists[collection.handle].links.size > 0 %}
<div class="desktop-12 tablet-6 mobile-3 collecsn-linklist ">
{% comment %}
<p class="chose-categry">Choose a sub category:-</p>
{% endcomment %}
{% assign collections = linklists[collection.handle].links %}
{% paginate collections by 40 %}
{% assign currentpage = paginate.current_page %}
{% assign current_offset = paginate.current_offset %}
{% assign offset_limit = paginate.current_offset | plus:40 %}
<ul id="myList" >
{% for collection_link in collections %}
{% assign forindex = forloop.index %}
{% if current_offset < forindex and offset_limit >= forindex %}
<li class="desktop-3 tablet-3 mobile-3 {% cycle ' first', '', '', ' last' %}">
{% assign collection = collection_link.object %}
{% if collection_link.type == 'collection_link' %}
<div class="collection-image">
<a href="{{ collection.url }}" title="{{ collection_title }}">
{% if collection.image %}
{{ collection.image.src | collection_img_url: 'large' | img_tag: collection_title }}
{% else %}
{{ collection.products.first.featured_image | product_img_url: 'large' | img_tag: collection_title }}
{% endif %}
<h3>{{ collection_link.title }}</h3>
{% else %}
<div class="collection-info-inner">
<h3>{{ collection_link.title | link_to: collection_link.url }}</h3>
{% endif %}
<!-- <div class="collection-info-inner"> -->
<!-- <a href="{{ collection.url }}" title="{{ collection_title }} collection"> -->
<!-- <h3>{{ link.title | link_to: link.url }}</h3> -->
<!-- </a> -->
<!-- </div> -->
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% include 'pagination' %}
{% endpaginate %}
<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- <div id="loadMore">See more</div> -->
{% else %}
{% paginate collection.products by 40 %}
<!-- Start Sidebar -->
{% if settings.collection_sidebar %}
{% include 'collection-sidebar' %}
{% endif %}
<!-- End Sidebar -->
<div class="{% if settings.collection_sidebar %}desktop-9 tablet-6{% else %}desktop-12 tablet-6{% endif %} mobile-3">
<div id="collection-description" class="desktop-12 tablet-6 mobile-3">
<div class="collsn_img">
{% if collection.image and collection.handle != "candy"%}
<img src="{{ collection | img_url: 'master' }}" alt="{{ collection.title | escape }}" />
{% endif %}
<div class="rte" contenteditable="true" spellcheck="false">
{{ collection.description | remove: "[banner]" }}
{% if settings.collection_sidebar == false %}
{% if settings.filters %}
<div id="full-width-filter" class="desktop-12 tablet-6 mobile-3">
{% include 'filter' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} <div id="full-width-filter" class="desktop-12 tablet-6 mobile-3">
{% include 'dropdown-filter' %}
</div> {% endcomment %}
<div id="product-loop">
<div id="product_collection">
{% for product in collection.products %}
{% assign products-per-row = settings.products-per-row %}
<div id="product-listing-{{ product.id }}" class="product_price product-index {% if products-per-row == "6" %}desktop-2{% elsif products-per-row == "4" %}desktop-3{% elsif products-per-row == "3" %}desktop-4{% elsif products-per-row == "5" %}desktop-fifth{% elsif products-per-row == "2" %}desktop-6{% endif %} tablet-half mobile-half" data-alpha="{{ product.title }}" data-price="{{ product.price | money_without_currency }}">
{% include 'product-listing' %}
{% endfor %}
{% include 'pagination' %}
{% endpaginate %}
{% endif %}
$( document ).ready(function() {
function fixButtonHeights() {
var heights = new Array();
// Loop to get all element heights
$('.product-index').each(function() {
// Need to let sizes be whatever they want so no overflow on resize
$(this).css('min-height', '0');
$(this).css('max-height', 'none');
$(this).css('height', 'auto');
// Then add size (no units) to array
// alert(heights);
// Find max height of all elements
var max = Math.max.apply( Math, heights );
// alert(max);
// Set all heights to max height
$('.product-index').each(function() {
$(this).css('height', max + 'px');
// Note: IF box-sizing is border-box, would need to manually add border
$(window).load(function() {
// Fix heights on page load
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
// Fix heights on window resize
$(window).resize(function() {
// Needs to be a timeout function so it doesn't fire every ms of resize
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
<!-- <script>
$(document).ready(function () {
size_li = $("#myList li").size();
$('#myList li:lt('+x+')').show();
$('#loadMore').click(function () {
x= (x+40 <= size_li) ? x+40 : size_li;
if(x == size_li || x >= size_li){
$('#myList li:lt('+x+')').show();
</script> -->
Thursday, 5 May 2016
How to Shopify API Product / Order / Collection get sorted when passing in an created_at / updated_at filter
Its possible to sort the Products/Orders/Collection by passing an "order" parameter. The "order" parameter should contain the field to sort by (supported fields are "created_at", "updated_at" and "processed_at"), followed by a space and then by an "asc" or "desc".
Please check following Example for solution.